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Aliens meet rednecks. Um, how “red”? Raylan Givens red, or “The Donald is the greatest president ever!” red?

How is landing in redneck country unfortunate for the Twins? It would seem that their sexiness and the isolation of the area they land in would be perfect for them to study and be accepted without drawing the attention of agencies to interfere. I tend to think suspicion of outsiders would be suspended for cheerful, bubbly bikini models. Is it unfortunate because their picture of humanity is skewed?

Exactly what item of clothing is the shawl/bandanna thing around Mina’s neck covering half of her top? My sense of fashion is almost nonexistent.

Also, what’s the story with her weapon choice dealing with vampires. Do vampires in this universe have different vulnerabilities than in classic Stoker or in the Buffy/Angel-verse? They seem ideal for in-close hand to hand, but terrible for decapitation which would seem to be the method by which she could kill with metal weapons. Unless…are they consecrated weapons? Of course, they could be double-blades with metal guards, in which case they might be ideal for decapitation and I’m confused because I’m seeing the points and not the full blades. Hmm.

1) I think cheerful, bubbly bikini models would have a hard time keeping a low profile in Smalltown USA. Maybe that’s what Octavia meant by ‘unfortunately.’

2) It looks like just a regular scarf to me. Maybe a very deep collar, or a hood?

3) We can’t be sure that Mina will be hunting vampires with those particular weapons, or that those weapons don’t have special properties – as you posited – or that she’ll be hunting vampires at all. Maybe she uses them for something else. Maybe this image comes from a time when she was facing an opponent against whom those weapons would be useful. Maybe Octavia just thought they looked neat.

You’re correct, though. A metal puncturing weapon wouldn’t be very useful against a vampire opponent with the orthodox vampire-lore set of abilities and vulnerabilities. Let’s hope if Mina is hunting vampires and if vampires are the same in her story as they are in many other stories, she has the sense not to use those.

Dude, that is the kind of disclosure you make *before* you get to the altar. No one in the wedding party is going to blame the bride if she says in front of the entire congregation, “There is no way I am getting hitched to someone named Rainbow, unless it’s a unicorn. I’m invoking my right to marry the Best Man in the Groom’s place, so move to the back of the line Rainbow!”

Sweet! A new comic! Not going to give any hints as to what it’s about?

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